Its been so hectic here lately; ever since the new week started. We have two cancer patients here now -- and everyone needs constant attention and care. Monday and Tuesday are the detox days, juicing fasts -- and these days are the most busy, since just about everybody is withdrawing from some substance or another. Whether its processed foods (seriously), caffeine, sugars, gluten or drugs/ alcohol. So, with that said, I have been a little busy. I am working mostly all day -- from 6am to 5pm and every other day until 8pm. Most is just house work, and in the garden (where I am headed next) -- so it is a bit different from the massage therapist lifestyle I live at home, with most of the work outside.
Last night, I gave a hot foot bath to a guest with a terrible caffeine headache. It seemed to work well; however, I was so tired by the end of my shift at 8pm -- I fell asleep immediately when I plopped in my bed. I always seem to feel refreshed when I awake, but lately towards the end of the night I feel quite sleepy. Especially when working in the garden, or doing laundry all day. Luckily lectures tend to be in the morning when I seem more awake.
Although Australia is beautiful, and I am learning quite a lot -- I am starting to feel quite homesick. I miss my husband terribly, and don't seem to speak to him as often as I like. Like I've said in a few of my post, my phone does not work well at all, and when I can call the states is limited to say the least -- especially during work weeks. I meant to send out postcards, but forgot when I was in town. I miss cooking, and my own house and my own privacy. I miss playing cards with William in the evening. And even his guitar practice. Lately I seem to think I want to start playing a musical instrument. Maybe violin? But that's another tangent.
Like I said -- things have been busy, and as I am writing this post I am feeling a bit tired. But I wanted to fill you all in on how I have been doing. I miss you all. I am so ready for a Louisiana winter its unreal! I am actually quite glad I got to miss the tail end of the heat.
I haven't been able to see any comment on this blog. I am not sure, technical reasons? Just letting you all know that. Can't wait to see you all!
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