It feels wonderful to be home,
although I do miss Australia's beauty.
I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband who welcomes me back home so lovingly. He even cleaned up the entire house. And this morning we ate waffles -- he said they were good. But I think he missed the gluten a little. Cooking without gluten is difficult. People don't realize that if they cook with wheat. Its a change that I will grow into. I did eat some really good pears for breakfast. The pears might have been better than Australia's, but I am not sure -- I'd have to compare. They were up there though. They were so juicy, they spilled all over me as I bit into them. yum!
My bed is so much more comfortable then I remember. Although, I haven't slept too much in it lately and the smell when I first walked into my own house was overwhelming. Its funny how each house has its own smell? Not that my house smells bad -- actually it smells a lot like cold wood (can wood smell cold?). Well, that's what I liken it towards. I couldn't believe my trip was over. I finished half the reading I thought I would, and one of my eye feels slightly stressed (and it is red and blotchy) I think from straining my eyes to read on the planes. I did read a lot -- there was nothing much else to do anyways.
Coming home to my internet felt like I just arrived in the 20th century again. It didn't take forever; and I got what I needed done so fast; I felt almost confused. I can load pictures without feeling like I need to pace around the room just to pass the time along faster.
With that, you've probably noticed here are some pictures of my trip; these are pictures that I haven't uploaded due to slow service. Most are from the zoo, and another from our trip to lighthouse beach. Both were taken weeks apart, yet somehow, I wore the same skirt in both pictures (wow, kind of embarrassing). And funny thing is, I am wearing the same skirt right now as I type this. Can you tell I wear the same thing I love a lot? What's worse is that I did not have my sim card for my camera, so these are all taken by my Australian friends -- and mostly, these are the only picture I have. I think I have bad luck with camera's. My blue Holga 35mm camera, that I thought was so vintage, never worked for me. Something bad always happened. Firstly, it was the only picture I took on my family trip to west Virginia -- 98% of the film wasn't properly taken and did not develop. Then the 5 pictures I did have, I forgot them at my Mom's house. Then to Australia, it was the only camera I had, that worked -- exposed the film on one round, and the next -- it broke. No, literally it broke. I left it with a wonderful New Zealand artist, whom hopefully will have better luck then I have. But Luckily I do have some pictures. And most of them are with my new favorite animal in the world. The wallabies, which is a smaller version of a kangaroo. They are the cutest things ever. I just wanted to stick one in my pocket and take it home. Seriously. When William saw it, he said "Maybe we could get them as our next pet, Amy's friend has one". He said that, dead serious. Or something close to that.
Koala's are cute too, I guess. But I find in person they look like grumpy old men! Still, a wonderful animal, and my goodness, I still would like to hold one -- but oh the wallabies! Nothing can take my wallabies out of my heart now. They are truly lovely. Beautiful, and hoppy creatures.
The scenery was spectacular. Its funny because the New Zealand girls, when we went to that beach commented about how this particular beach made them miss New Zealand. They told me how truly picture perfect their country was. The only place I have ever been that could rival that place, was Northern Idaho. Now, I have never been a fan of mountains (when I was younger) but after living in North Idaho for 3 years, it converted me into a wilderness mountain women. I love how spectacular and breath taking they truly are. Now, Australia's beaches were climbing with mountain ranges -- and rock formations on the beaches. Wow. It was winter, remember, so I did not go swimming. Most people did not go swimming unless they were surfing, with a wet suit. And I am a wimp about water. So, no, I did not go swimming. Unfortunately. Did you know that most people who drown in the ocean in Australia are tourist? Because they don't know about rapids, or undercurrents? Luckily, I made it out alive. Just a fun fact that a girl in Australia told me. Well, actually its not a "fun" fact. More of a "sad" fact, but.
Isn't It lovely?
This is a Dingo. You know in, "A Dingo ate my baby?" Its a wild dog, close to a wolf. It cannot bark, but only can howl. And when I went up to pet it, it licked my face! I think he like me! He was quite sweet. The zoo keeper said that they are very hard to train, and mostly they do as they please. Unlike you command a dog to do things, you suggest them to the Dingo's, because if they do not want to do it; they won't. But this Dingo was an elderly Dingo, and it was super sweet. Some people in the bush have them as pets -- I heard. Not sure if that's true or not.
Sometimes, I wish I went swimming. But I am sure, I probably would back out if I was there now. Only because, the water would be too cold. But hey, I got some good pictures standing next to it. I think that's good enough. Maybe I'll go in the summer next time. Who knows what adventure lies next? Maybe New Zealand? But wherever God leads me, I am sure I'll be happy. I am so glad I made it safe and sound. I never realized how much I loved my house until I left for a month. Oh the joys of having your own shower. Oh where did that month go? It all went by so fast!
(This is me picking strawberries from a hydroponic garden in Kempsey; Isn't that a cool idea? Baton Rouge, take some notes, please.)
Hope all is well, glad to show you some pictures!
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