
Sunday, September 1, 2013


Before I take off for the week; I had a request to do an article or blog post on Gout, Back Pain (slipped disk), and the problems with Gluten. These are all truly fascinating subjects that could be spent years researching individually; however I will give you a brief summary of what I have learned while interning at a natural health retreat, and some of what I have known already.

Firstly, above all the body was created and designed to heal itself; even without the use of antibiotics, vaccines, surgeries, and pharmacology drugs (these actually hinder the bodies natural ability to fight infection for itself). If you got a cold would you cut yourself of the impure blood? No! Of course not, that sounds insane! Right? Did you know that how George Washington died? In the 1700's "Blood Letting" was a common practice among favored medical professionals.

"On Thursday, December 12, 1799, Washington spent several hours inspecting his plantation on horseback, in snow, hail, and freezing rain—later that evening eating his supper without changing from his wet clothes. That Friday he awoke with a severe sore throat and became increasingly hoarse as the day progressed, yet still rode out in the heavy snow, marking trees on the estate that he wanted cut. Sometime around 3 a.m. that Saturday, he suddenly awoke with severe difficulty breathing and almost completely unable to speak or swallow. A firm believer in bloodletting, a standard medical practice of that era which he had used to treat various ailments of enslaved Africans on his plantation, he ordered estate overseer Albin Rawlins to remove half a pint of his blood. A total of three physicians were sent for, including Washington's personal physician Dr. James Craik along with Dr. Gustavus Brown and Dr. Elisha Dick. By the time the three physicians had finished their treatments and bloodletting of the President, there had been a massive volume of blood loss—half or more of his total blood content being removed over the course of just a few hours. Washington died at home around 10 p.m. on Saturday, December 14, 1799, aged 67."

God has given us all that we need to create healing within our bodies. His way does not poison us, burn us (radiation), and surgery is not required. His way is perfect. It works with our bodies innate healing mechanisms that each of us possess. Now understand that God loves us, and winks at our ignorance (Acts 17:7 KJV). Dealing with illness we all need to learn how to listen to our bodies -- stop eating when you are no longer hungry, understand the bodies cries for water, eat more raw vegetables and fruits, and stop eating those processed and fried food that will kill you. Learn the messages from the garden: a little less on grain (how long did it take in the olden days to process wheat, make pasta, make cereals...etc.); a little less on your nut intake (cracking those hard shells take work -- how many would you eat if you had to by hand crack all your nuts?); eat more of natures truly fast food --vegetables and fruits! These should have no limit (unless you are suffering with candida, than maybe stray away from the sugary fruits). People are looking for wonder-cures -- the latest diet craze, the fastest cure, yes even chemotherapy. All your ills and pains stem back to diet. What are you eating? All in all, diet holds the key to the cure. If your interested in truly transforming your diet a great study was completed by a professor at Cornell University, by Collin Campbell "The China Study".   It will go into further detail of how diet effects cancer growth, diabetes, and other diet related illnesses. Wonderful book; however, it is written by a medical professional and may be very difficult to understand. "Forks over knives" is a documentary done surrounding the topic of the China Study and is easier to comprehend. I cannot push a plant-based diet enough -- it is truly remarkable. Through these studies it proves that cancers, diabetes, and heart disease is a paper tooth tiger, it needs not to exist at all.

*Do not be confused with the latest trends in the vegan or vegetarian diet. Raw food will deliver what cooked food won't, but cooked food will deliver what is not available in the raw.*

A good sign of wellness starts with looking at your tongue, your tongue should be pink front to back; if it is covered with a pink fuzz, you may have an overgrowth of candida -- the white fuzz is yeast. Try the candida self-test. The best time to do this test is the first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up. Before you rinse, spit, or put anything in your mouth, go get a glass of water (in a clear glass). Now build up a bunch of saliva (just mouth saliva, do not cough up anything) and spit it into the glass of water. Observe what happens.
My Body FluidsThe saliva will float. That is okay and normal. If within 15 minutes you see thin projections extending downward into the water, it is a positive sign for candida. The projections may look like hair, or small strings, like a jelly fish or spider legs, moving down into the water from the saliva floating on the top. Other positive indications might be very "cloudy" saliva that will sink to the bottom of the glass within a few minutes or particles that slowly sink or suspend below the saliva glob. What you are seeing are colonies of yeast which band together to form the strings. Candida can be the underlying cause of many different ills. A good probiotic will help -- this one is my favorite. It is called yeast away; there is no other probiotic in my opinion that will work as well as Yeast Away. Click the link and call 866-442-0617 in the USA and ask for Randy -- they will locate a health food department that sells their product. A good probiotic, such as yeast away, will help gout and people who are just coming off gluten. It will flood the gut with healthy bacteria again to help control digestion properly.

Now to Gout; the diet is of great importance. A large fluid intake is very helpful. Alcohol must be eliminated. Take equal parts of granulated skullcap, yarrow, and valerian (not powdered variety, but only as whole dried plant parts), and mix thoroughly together. Use a heaping teaspoon to a cup of boiling water. Steep and drink a cupful an hour before meals and one upon retiring. Drink four cups a day, an hour before each meal and at bedtime. But if tea is not your pleasure, than a ginger poultice is a wonderful alternative or also can be used together. A ginger poultice is also good for arthritis, inflamed joints, tennis elbow, and bursitis. Finely grate fresh ginger, place onto a cloth, fold edges in to make a parcel, place the thin side on the affected area. Cover with glad wrap and a bandage to hold in place. Your skin may get very hot, and feel as though it is burning -- it is not burning, it is actually the ginger pulling out the inflammation out of the joints. Keep the poultice on overnight. It is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory herbs on planet earth.

Exercise is an amazing healing property that many people do not take advantage of when their back is hurting. Have you ever head the saying more people rust out than wear out? If your muscles are not being used, your body will break them down (atrophy). "If you don't use it; you lose it". Now, with exercise, diet is of more importance. 80% of curing ills is diet; while 20% is exercise: you cannot exercise your way out of a bad diet. Like I said earlier, diet is of the most importance when it comes to ridding your body of aches and pains, with exercise being second. What you do through your life, will determine how you die. Activity will keep you young. The author Doug McGoff goes more into detail with this topic, and explains how high intensity training is the most beneficial for helping and curing back pains. Also, have you seen a chiropractor? Watch the documentary doctored for more details.
Doctored Trailer.
Now for Gluten. God made Traditional Wheat as what we call "Emmer" grain. This is no longer available in the pure condition now-a-days, since the over processing of wheat and GMO modification has corrupted the grain since the 1970s (when the GMO wheat went world wide -- and around this time gluten allergies have popped up everywhere). It was originally genetically modified to provide more wheat for the ever growing population -- this modified wheat grew faster and was easier to hull. Since it is easier to hull, and has a weaker shell -- fungus and yeast can attack it faster and much more. Haven't you noticed the ever growing problem with candida? Most stem back to the moldy wheat. Also the GMO wheat has much more gluten in it than the original emmer wheat --hence most peoples bodies cannot digest it properly. This leads to constipation, IBS, and other digestive and bowl problems. Even if you try to buy organic emmer wheat; the wheat process has been so contaminated, you may not be getting what you are looking for. Some people only have a slight allergy to it, some are highly allergic and some are even celiac. But most people have some sort of allergy to wheat, and may never know it. But this is only part of the problem. It all starts when we are just babes. Our first teeth that grow in (four on top, four on bottom) are called our milk teeth. When these teeth grow in, we should still be breast feeding. However around 14-20 months the baby molars arrive. At the same time that the molars come-in a hormone is created called ptyalin. Ptyalin breaks down starch. Before the molars arrive our babies cannot break down starches! Yet, we are trained to feed them breads and cereals -- haven't you noticed the baby keeps spitting out their food, yet we keep shoving it back into their mouth? Why is that? Tradition. This creates an allergy and mal-absorption syndrome. And the bloated stomach of a baby? Wheat belly! It is a side effect of feeding the child starches too soon. If the baby has eczema this is an allergic reaction to BOTH diary and wheat. Have you heard the diet that helps an autistic child the most? They stop all sugars, dairy, and gluten and they improve 50% -- gluten intolerance is a huge problem in our society today, although it is some-what recognized, a lot of people are still in the dark.
*this is a better explanation about babies, and how to feed them, please click on link*
Also don't forget that a good place to buy herbs (that I used in a tea format with Gout treatment) is at
hope this helps:)



  1. Hey Buddy,its Daryle.First Happy belated BIRTHDAY!!! I've really enjoyed reading your blog post,they're so interesting and informative.You're learning so much and will have a lot to share when you return. I'm so proud of you!Glad things are going so well,its such a great opportunity.Take care and be safe :-)

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